So I launched a new site. Before we begin this post, I’m going to calm all your fears. Yes, I’m launching a new site, but I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me right here on basically until the end of time {or as long as you’ll have me. Whichever comes first}. The new Read More >>
Dig For Your Dinner – Growing Heirloom Tomatoes From Seed
It’s my favorite time of year. Yesterday, I planted my heirloom tomato seeds. I grow tons of stuff for the garden, but somehow, growing tomatoes makes me feel all warm and garden-y inside {garden-y is definitely a word}. Maybe it’s that they kick off the warm season veggies, or that they produce pounds and pounds Read More >>
Dig for Your Dinner – Growing Kale From Seed
Kale. Okay, so not my favorite vegetable on the planet, but The Girl loves it so I’ve decided to plant a few rows of the stuff for her this year. She loves to add kale to her smoothies. I personally like to add it to my compost pile, but to each their own ;). Admittedly, Read More >>
Dig for Your Dinner – Growing Lettuce from Seed
Lettuce is pretty much the easiest thing to grow on the planet. It has pretty high yields and, unlike other veggies, can make up the bulk of an entire meal. Because, I know, deep down you can’t get enough veggie trivia {it’s probably so deep down you’ve never even considered the term “veggie trivia”} Read More >>