People love their pets. I get that, given how much Lucy is a part of our family. But once in awhile, people take things a little too far. There’s a business in Illinois called Knit Your Dog. And it’s exactly what it sounds like. They take your dog’s excess hair and knit it into cozy Read More >>
Does Hugging Your Dog Cause Dog-Stress?
Lucy does not like to be hugged, but she does love to cuddle, snuggle, and pretty much be by my side at all times {unless of course, she’s propped up on the couch and looking out the window}. Try to hug her, though, and she ain’t having it. So, when I ran across this article Read More >>
Amazing Puggle Dog Eats Blackberries, The Blind Cross Stitcher, and The Case of the Missing Stuffed Animals
Lucy the Puggle Dog and I went on a walk last night to checkout the blackberry status in our neighborhood. Last year the HOA chopped down our main supply of blackberry bushes down by the park because they were an eyesore. 🙁 So this year we have to do a little hunting if we want Read More >>