There are only 7 weeks to go and I kind of feel like I should start planning a victory party of some sort… But I don’t want to jinx myself. Hmmm. Oh well, I picked up a few things this week… nothing super exciting, and I still have not figured out how in the world Read More >>
Week #43 On One Hundred Dollars A Month
This week I had 3 transactions. I actually DO BELIEVE I can make it to the end of the year without going over budget if I really apply myself. Or is it distract myself? Hmm. I think distraction is going to be key in the upcoming weeks ahead. Here is the skinny on what I Read More >>
Week #30 On One Hundred Dollars A Month
Caution: Back to school shopping may lead to a stop at Krispy Kreme. My daughter and I bought 2 chocolate iced custard filled doughnuts for $2.58. And they were worth every penny. My neighbor Girl Girl was decorating a cake and called to see if I had any extra raspberries I’d be willing to trade. Read More >>
Week #26 On One Hundred Dollars A Month…
Wooo Hooo! I’m half way finished with my One Hundred Dollars A Month Challenge… I can’t believe it’s already been 6 months. 🙂 Last week I did 4 double coupon transactions and paid $1.12 for everything you see above. I used .55/1 Vitamin Water coupons and doubled them (found them on an in store tear Read More >>
Week #25 On One Hundred Dollars A Month…
Monkey Boy had a friend over last week… The boys hung out, went to the beach, played video games, rode skate boards and ate a boatload of food. I guess that’s what boys do…They eat… NON STOP. Luckily I have a decent stockpile for them to choose from… that… and a bunch of FREE doughnut Read More >>