It’s funny what people throw away, isn’t it? Your trash, is literately another persons treasure. Take for instance the fire pit I picked up last weekend at a local garage sale. I kid you not when I tell you I had just hours earlier started researching fire pits for our back patio. And you know Read More >>
One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure – Dansko Shoes, a Free Fire Pit and More
Last Friday while I was running errands I stopped a few garage sales hoping to find some treasures. A few of the things on my wish list were a coffee table, end table, night stand, a fire pit and of course, any and everything garden related. Well would you believe at my first stop I Read More >>
How to Sell More Stuff at Your Garage Sale
Let’s face it, if you are going to go to all of the time and effort of putting on a garage sale, you really want to come out the other hand having made some cash AND with significantly less stuff you have to haul away. The garage sales that I have unloaded the most junk treasures Read More >>
How to Sell Your Stuff at a Garage Sale
Every few years, I get enough accumulated stuff that it becomes totally worth it for me to have a garage sale. Garage sales are my way of de-junkifying–but, not in the sense that it is “junk.” I want the stuff out, because it just is no longer working for me, but it is still really Read More >>
Mavis Scores Big At The Garage Sale…
If you want to come home with a haul like you’re about to see… You’ll need to have an incredible amount of extra time on your hands. I sat in a burgundy leather chair (that was for sale) in 80 degree heat… for one hour while the homeowner continued to place things out for sale. Read More >>