Yesterday, The Girl came back from running an errand and told me about a new area she had discovered while she was out and said she wanted to show it to me. So, we hopped in the car and set off. Well it must have been trash day because all the sudden I spied something Read More >>
One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure – Seeds and Recipes Passed on to a New Generation
Typically the emails I receive for my Trash to Treasure posts are garage sale or thrift store finds. They have never been this personal and I have never loved a submission more. My friend Heather from Massachusetts sent this in and let me tell you Bob, it’s some good stuff: Hey Mavis, You of all Read More >>
One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure – Terra Cotta Flower Pots
Yesterday, The Girl Who Thinks She’s a Bird and I were driving down the road when we spotted a tiny garage sale sign. We were in a hurry so we hesitantly drove by. Then, about 10 seconds later I said, “Turn around, let’s go real quick, you never know, there could be something good.” After a quick Read More >>
Free Food Week # 3 Reclaimed Food: Show and Tell
Over the weekend I was able to pick up 4 boxes of “chickens scraps” from a local store. We were able to salvage a little over half of the fresh and fruits and vegetables you see above. For the third week in a row, I was astounded by the amount of perfectly edible strawberries I Read More >>
How to Plant a Flower Garden Using a Recycled Wood Pallet
Last week, as I was picking up Monkey Boy from his Kung Fu lesson, I noticed several small wood pallets laying next to a large dumpster. Hmm. Who on earth would throw those out, I wondered. The parking lot full of moms sitting in their minivans. Do you think that stopped me? Nope. I grabbed Read More >>