Well, I’ve done it. I’ve bought a new computer. A MacBook Pro.
Or rather, the HH bought it for me as I had zero interest in picking it out. Technology, learning something new, it’s hard to be excited about it when just looking at the packaging makes me itchy.
He bought it for me over a week ago and I STILL have not taken it out of the bag.
I’ve been fighting getting a new computer {an Apple computer} for years. The whole switching of platforms seems so incredibly overwhelming to me that I don’t even want to start.
The HH has used an Apple for nearly 20 years… And he loves it. He says I will too once I get the hang of it.
But the Acers I’ve used over the years {and there have been many of them} have been fine. The only thing I use my computer for is to write this blog, check email and to waste time on the internet.
Why do I need to upgrade to a fancier computer to do that?
He says the picture quality is WAY BETTER. That, and about 10 million other things. But I keep telling him I don’t NEED the other things… He says I do.
The only thing is, the battery life on the Acer laptop I have now is down to 5 minutes {on a good day} which means I have to have it plugged in all the time. Which, even I’ll admit, is totally inconvenient.
Also, it’s slow. And getting slower by the day. Some days it just shuts off. Plus it runs on Windows 10 {whatever that means}.
I suppose this means I’ll have to get a new mouse and mouse pad too.
The HH says I really need to learn how to use that big rectangle at the bottom of the keyboard {I don’t even know what it’s called!!}. Gaaa.
But I love my old crusty mouse pad… I’ve had it for probably 10 years. You know what else I’ve had forever? My old Texas Instruments calculator. I’ve had that since I was 16!!! And it STILL works! Good as new.
Technology. Who needs it? The Amish don’t.
I don’t want to learn how to use a new computer… But I know I need to. Do you use a Mac? How hard is it to use? Do you have any tips for me? I’m going to need all the help I can get.
Sarah says
I have a new Mac Book Pro and I love it. I have had a Mac for years and they are so easy to use. Give it a shot-you will be surprised how nice it is
Mel says
I use a Mac for work and PC elsewhere. If you’re only using it for Internet, email, and blogging, there really shouldn’t be much difference. Some menus might look slightly different, but they are the same menus. And you can still use Chrome or whatever browser you like. It’s honestly similar enough that I can’t think of a single tip–you probably won’t need any.
I prefer the built-in mouse, but you can likely use a wireless mouse with it.
The only thing that bothers me is it doesn’t have ports for Ethernet and flash drives, and I need those at work, so I had to get a universal adapter to plug all those in.
Sue says
I’m sorry, but this makes me giggle. I fought an iPhone as hard and almost as long as you fought your Mac. I didn’t need or want all those damn bells and whistles; I just wanted to make calls and retrieve messages, OKAY?!?!?
I hate touchpads with a passion. My laptop is hooked up to a regular keyboard, a wireless mouse, and a 32-inch screen. I had DH dumb it down ’til I felt comfortable.
I am a technological Luddite, and that’s okay.
christa says
I’ve loved using an iPhone for many years so when I suddenly needed a new desktop computer I knew an iMac was the inevitable choice…everything meshed perfectly with my phone, and their customer service is excellent. Mine is set up in my office/craft room and I love to watch shows while working on a rug or knitting.
Rosemary says
That “rectangle thing” is a mousepad but I don’t use it as a mousepad. I prefer an actual “mouse”. I have an ASUS laptop, which I love. One of the “perks” of my laptop is that the mousepad is also a numeric keypad – and I love that! So, my mousepad does get used – it is great for entering lots of numbers. Have fun learning!
Erin says
There is a bit of a learning curve, but go into it knowing that & being patient with yourself & it’ll be a breeze. HH can customize it for you so that it basically operates like a PC if you end up hating the Mac interface. I love the touchpad, but you can get an external mouse & a keyboard if you want. I love how it interacts with iPhone, so if you have one of those, it’s a pretty seamless merge. It’s so nice not having to use my phone for texting.
Chris says
I had a MacBook Pro for nearly 10 years before it died. The battery was clearly amazing and it had wonderful resolution. I never used it to even a smidge of its functionality. It was too techie for me. When it died I just wanted a simple laptop but hubby thought I’d prefer an iPad. Once again, it’s way more than I need or use.
Wendy says
You will love it when you get used to the differences. Plus the HH can can walk you through it since he is the expert in residence. The quality is much better and it’s simple.
Lesley says
Same, Mavis … same.
Peg says
I have an iMac (bought in 2011), a MacBook Pro (bought in 2018), an iPad (bought in 2016), and an iPhone. I was still working when I bought the MacBook (self employed since 2007), but it is entirely too much computer these days. There is very little difference between PCs and Macs anymore. I was first introduced to them by my former boss. He is severely dyslexic and Macs were the only computer he could figure out how to use in the late 80s.
Becky-TN says
Oh Mavis, I get it!
But, in the end, Mac is a nice platform.
On a much happier, and less stressful note, THANK YOU for the suggestion of Hollander Hot Chocolate. I gifted the littles the packets of cocoa and the big kiddos the sauce. Happy faces all around!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Virginia says
We’ve been an Apple family since about 2009 and love them. Apple makes setup easy, and it should only take a few minutes. But HH’s gift to you maybe includes his own “customer service” to walk you through the setup process and show you the basics? (And if you can’t become friends with the trackpad, definitely get either a bluetooth or wired mouse. I’m a mouse person too and totally understand.)
Jennifer Murch says
LOOOOOOOVE my mac. It’s easy. I thought it would be a big learning curve (and I was nervous), but I didn’t even NOTICE a curve — only that it was sooooo much easier and faster.
Mavis Butterfield says
Do you have any plans in February? Are you accepting house guests? 🙂
Beccah says
I’ve used MacBooks for a long time after growing tired with having to replace other brand laptops every few years. I upgraded my first one after 4 years because I needed to run a lot of complicated software for a class that I was taking. The next one lasted almost 8 years. I replaced it with a new MacBook. Once you get the hang of it, I think you’ll never want to go back. It’s nice having all of my stuff on one system since I have an iPhone.
You should be able to use your current mouse with your new computer. I have one that’s not Apple brand.
One thing that I recently discovered is reading mode on Safari. It’s the rectangle with lines next to the web address. It removes a lot of distracting garbage from the page and makes it a nicer reading experience. Enjoy your new computer and happy New Year!
Margo says
I own a Chromebook and an android pad, but also an iMac, iPad, and iPhone. Apple is great and you will love your Mac after you get used to it, I’m sure. We don’t love the android or the Chromebook, and won’t buy anything other than Apple going forward. Enjoy it!
PNW Vickie says
You’ll love it. I switched from PC to Apple laptop about 15 years ago, and it’s so much easier to use. Give it a try!
Randini says
OH I feel your pain. I had used a Mac for years at a job, then changed jobs and learned and used a PC (for 24 years). Also use a PC at home. Now I’m back in a job with a Mac and…sorry Mavis, but I HATE it!! It’s been over a year now and I still wish on the daily that I had a PC (I can’t due to the work requirements and IT supports).
Kellah says
I am laptop ambidextrous. I have a beautiful MACBook Pro and a still chugging Windows 10 Dell. After 45 years of IT there are things they each do better. Microsoft Office products are still my go to for word processing, spreadsheets and email. But it can choose to install those on my MAC. It is a wonderful platform for a creative mind, like yours.
Do yourself an enormous favor. Schedule training at the local Genius Bar. Plan on 3-5 visits. HH is wonderful but he doesn’t think like you. It’s like learning to sail from my husband. Not a great idea. Get your own teacher. There will be no furrowed brow asking why you cannot understand the simplest of instructions.
Linda Sand says
We bought our first Mac the day after they were introduced and had both for years. I can’t believe how much easier the Mac is than a PC. There’s a saying out there that Windows 95 was the same as Mac 1987. What’s that about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery?
I now have a MacBook Air. Once I actually started using the touch pad, I realized how much I did NOT need a mouse. It’s so much easier to move my Mac to various places now that it doesn’t require surface space for a mouse. My husband actually uses his in his lap all day long–a true laptop. You can do this.
Cathy says
The biggest difference for me on a Mac is the “x” to close a page is in the upper left hand corner. My Mac does not like my printer so good luck if you need to print. Other than that it is pretty simple to use.
Elizabeth C Smith says
Mavis, I’m with you in being averse to technology!! However, I do love my Mac. But I want to tell you about my new Christmas present from my “HH”- a remarkable. I’m a counselor and go through a million legal pads but no more. A remarkable will be my endless notepad – so cool!!! All this to say, I’m warming up to some forms of tech. – who knows? Maybe you will too!!
Jeni says
I despise the “mouse” rectangle. It is just too much work to use, and fickle. I have a wireless mouse and would not use a laptop without one. No experience with a Mac though I would like to give it a try someday. Think of it like a new bakery or gardening store, an adventure 🙂
Tanya says
I went kicking and screaming into using a Mac (about 15 yrs ago) and then found it was super easy and very intuitive and I’ll never go back!
Dianne Labadie says
I initially used a PC. Once my HH talked me into a iPhone (he has used Mac’s since the late 80’s), I had to get a MacPro. My current MacPro is an early 2015, I bought it used. It has never given me a problem. It is currently running on Monterey software.
I also bought an iMac M1 desktop in 2021. I actually bought it for my HH, but he never uses it. So I took it and use it for all of my crafting. I would never go back to a PC.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Anne says
I always had a Mac but with Microsoft Word and Excel installed. The down side is that Macs have a shorter life because Apple has gotten greedy and will only allow so many updates to IOS and then you can’t do much on the internet because a wall goes up because it is not safe to buy, sell or do banking etc. i just got a HP and it is taking some getting used to. Biggest thing, everything is reversed on the screen.
Holly Burnham says
Mavis….be bold…..try it!
We finally went all Apple and it’s great. All our lists can be used together…..imagine how happy I must make my husband when he is grocery shopping using our Apple grocery list and while he’s shopping I can continue to add things to his list.
We share the same calendar, to do lists, shopping lists.
Try it!
Susan Sleeman says
Not to complicate things, but you can use a program such as Parallels to run windows on a Mac machine if you really want the machine quality but don’t want to change to using a Mac operating sysyem. I did that, because there are some programs that don’t play well with Mac. So I have a virtual machine where I run those programs and use the Mac side for everything else. At first, I didn’t want to go to Mac. But my biggest motivator was that I needed a keyboard that worked well for my RA fingers, and I wanted something that wasn’t very loud as I’ve developed an issue with sounds. The MacBook Pro runs very quietly, the keyboard is great, and as others have said you can plug in an external mouse. You can also set it up to interface with your phone if you have an iPhone, and receive texts on your computer. I find that very helpful but then I work on my computer all day long.
Sue S. says
I had to get a new computer a few months ago because mine was 13 years old, was freezing all the time, and it couldn’t be upgraded to the latest Windows version. I didn’t like the rectangle at the bottom of the keyboard either, and like you, I read/send emails, look up stuff on knitting and rug hooking sites, follow blogs like yours Mavis, and occasionally finish up a work project. At my age, I don’t do well with change but I got used to it after a fashion. It’s way more than I need but was essentially the same price as the old one was. It’s a Dell and I’m very happy with it. Good luck!
Patti says
I only use Apple products – iMac desktop, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch and love them all. Had to use other brands at work and hated them. I have been told you will not get any viruses on Apples but not sure about that – just know it is a breeze once you figure it out. Very intuitive and user friendly. And it is minimalist looking so there is that aspect, too.
Maria says
Like you, Patti – I am all Mac. I have to use a pc at work and hate it.
Lucy from South Carolina says
I’m a retired RN since age 62 with 2 Master’s degrees and getting ready to graduate from massage therapy program in February. I had to learn the new format for PowerPoint and had to make a magazine cover using an app called Canva. This technology changes rapidly. So glad you have a resident techi with you. Sure wish I did. I’m on school break at the beach for 3 weeks prepping for my licensing exam. It has really been a trip but has resharpened my mind for sure. The librarians have been most helpful.
sandy says
My son was a graphic designer and when he was in college-he had to use MAC’S. I sold my beloved 1967 VW camper Bus to buy his first MAC when they were big and $$$. We are 200% Apple people.
My husband bought me the new I Phone for the holidays. I was fine with my I Phone 11. But, he was right, this new one rocks!
It is very easy to use-you will have no problem. Jump in-plug it in and enjoy the ride.
Congrats and have fun.
Zadu says
Please open it and use it. I switched to a MacBook this past spring and it feels as if I’ve been forever liberated from tyranny.
No more Microsoft ads, updates for both the computer and Window and drivers and Everything Else (Apple controls the entire Macbook universe). And no more Microsoft Edge and the Microsoft “nags” to use Bing-A-Ling as your default search engine. And the things last forever and Apple actually supports their computers for a long time. And it connects and integrates seamlessly with your iPhone and iPad.
You *DO* have an iPhone and iPad, don’t you? Don’t tell me you have an Android phone… (and if she does, HH, you know what you have to do next!) 🙂
Lynda Rees Kling says
I only have my iPad ( which I love) and my phone.. I’m tech- phobic. Even my computerized sewing machine scares me…
Sue says
One handy thing I’ve learned about Apple products is that there are million discussions online about each function.
If you ever can’t figure out how to do something, just google “macbook how to _____” (how to screenshot, how to find this or that setting etc) and you’ll find answers online and often step by step videos.
Also if this is your first Apple product, you’ll end up creating an “Apple ID” — if you ever have any other Apple products (ipad, iphone etc) you’ll already have the Apple ID and you’ll be able to see things like your photos or documents on any of your apple products. Basically the products know it’s you, across multiple devices.
When I decided to get a new ipad, after I logged in with my Apple ID, it asked “do you want to set this new ipad up just like your older one?” and when I said yes — bam, there were all my saved links, favorites, even the games I had downloaded — all appeared like magic on my new device.
There are a few things to get used to, but soon those will feel familiar and I predict you’ll be pleased with this change.
Linda says
I have HP laptop and love it. I hate the mousepad and use a wireless mouse.
Cindy R says
I love my MacBook and would not switch it for the world. I also love my Apple phone and Apple Watch. They are so easy to use. As for the Amish, there is a large community of them that winters in Sarasota, Florida year after year. When we would first started visiting Sarasota,, the Amish would be on their bicycles pedaling all over town. Now they all have electric bikes and cell phones that they use while they are here. They don’t pedal, they speed around on their electric bikes often with a cart attached filled with children or beach chairs. Times do change and people adapt.
Stacy says
I use both Mac and PC–I prefer the Mac. While there is a learning curve, once you get the hang of it, you’ll prefer the Mac. And if you have an iPhone or iPad, then you are already familiar with some of the features you’ll see on your Mac plus, they will sync–you’ll like that too.
Tiffany Nash says
Welcome to the Mac family! We switched years ago and although getting used to the keyboard was difficult at first, after years on PC, I managed and it has been wonderful! We never looked back. I got a new MacBook for Christmas – Yay!
Now, if you would like someone to come up for a visit, hold your hand, give tips, bake treats, and drink tea, just let me know! I’m your gal!
Karin says
It will be way easier than you think! I switched many years ago and never looked back. And it will last way longer than a new Acer.