One of the best things about having a blog, is the people you meet along the way. Last year I was fortunate to meet Helen. You probably know her as Helen from Meridian if you spend much time in the comment section around here.
When I met Helen she was just as I imagined her to be; warm, kind, sentimental, and wickedly funny.
She shared her homemade cranberry sauce recipe with me last winter and I never got a chance to make it. But I knew this year, when I picked up 2 free bags of cranberries, her recipe for homemade cranberry sauce would be the first thing I’d make with them.
Helen acquired her recipe from her late Mother in Law Juanita. I’m sharing this recipe with you today just as Helen wrote it down for me.
~ Thank You Helen. This cranberry sauce was delicious.
Thanksgiving Recipes – Old Fashioned Cranberry Sauce
1 12oz pkg Cranberries
2 large oranges, scrubbed
2 cups sugar {less if you like it really tart} I used 1 1/2 cups of sugar
- Freeze bag of cranberries, so they don’t squirt all over you as you grind them. I put mine thru my Kitchenaid food grinder*.
- Alternate 1/4 bag of the berries with sliced wedges of orange, peel and all. When you are all done, stir in the sugar.
- Will keep for 2 or 3 weeks refrigerated, but probably will be gobbled up the first day. Works well on turkey sandwiches too. Dr. Oz approved for breakfast or snacks.
- You could use your Blend-Tec*, Vitamix*or immersion blender*to chop this up too.
Can be made any time of the year if you remember to put some bags of cranberries in your freezer before they disappear from the stores.
~Helen from Meridian
Find More Recipes HERE
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Leanna says
This is similar to my MIL’s recipe. She just food processes the berries (not frozen) with 2 oranges one peeled one not and sugar and pecans. I
Leanna says
It’s more like a relish.
LaToya says
Peel and all? Really? Do you taste it or feel it in texture? I can’t even imagine it that way…
Mavis says
Yep. It has a very different flavor. We really liked it. 🙂
Maile says
i am totally trying this recipe in my blendtec!
Shaina says
What’s the variety of oranges that don’t have seeds called? Or is that not a worry here?
Susie says
I make this every year too! I think the recipe is on the bag of Ocean Spray cranberries, or at least it once was, because it’s in my “Back of the Box Gourmet” cookbook with recipes using brand-name products. Shaina, I always pick the seeds out of the wedges before I blend it all up. LaToya, yeah, it sounds strange, but you don’t notice chunks of peel or anything. It’s delicious!!!
Shaina says
Thanks Susie!
Heather says
I LOVE Helen in Meridian! I agree…she is quite the gem. Haven’t seen her in quite a while, but she is a sweetheart.