One of my goals this year is to DO SOMETHING with the 5,002 photos that have been sitting on my phone. I mean REALLY do something with them. Honestly, about 90% of them need to be deleted. {Maybe even more}
But as for the rest of the photos, the keepers, I’ve been trying to figure out just what to do with them. A few of the photos, I’ll get blown up and have them put on canvas so I can hang the memories on the wall. Some, I’ll share here on the blog, and the others? I’d like to have note cards printed up so I can send a few of my favorite people some snail mail this year.
Remember when the mailbox wasn’t just all junk mail and bills? Isn’t it such a nice feeling to get something handwritten in the mail every once in a while? I miss that. And so I’m going to do something about it!
I was scrolling through the photos on my phone this morning when I came across the photos I took on our first trip to Rockport, Massachusetts. We’ve been to Rockport three times now since moving here, and each time the small coastal town of Rocport gets even better. Summer here in New England is pretty magical. But then again, so is the snow falling outside my window right now.
Motif Number 1 from Bradley Wharf in Rockport, Massachusetts. Probably the most painted lobster shack in America. Ain’t she a beauty?
Thanks to a tip we stopped by Helmut’s Strudel and picked up both an apple strudel and a cherry strudel. Both were delicious. Next time we’ll try the cheese filled one. Because you know, you have to try every kind they offer just so you know which is the best.
Have I told you how much I LOVE it here? With so many places to see and tiny towns to explore, I don’t think I’ll ever get bored.
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone.
Summer will be here before we know it!!!
Leanna says
I am an avid scrapbooker and I see amazing potential with your awesome photos!
Melinda W says
Having worked at Cracker Barrel for about 7 years, many years ago, I can tell you that those syrup bottles are ridiculously expensive for the company to buy and are treated like gold, and your server will get heck from their boss if you ask for extra. But they make great salt/pepper shakers if you take them home and drill little holes in the top. The reason for so many plates is because people get downright hateful if the syrup touches their eggs/meat, at least here in the South. So for your average breakfast there’s 2 plates and probably 4 bowls (grits, gravy, apples/hashbrowns, butter/jelly) times number of guests, and probably more plates for dinners with all the veggies/sides, which equals big muscles when having to carry those trays of food around all day.
Lynne says
Beautiful photos, Mavis! Beyond the ideas of printing some out for display, sharing them here and making note cards (sets of which might be popular offerings in your Etsy shop), you might enjoy having some on-line albums of the places you’ve visited. Especially now that you and the HH are local and visiting places in New England more than once, you can capture these places in different seasons, and have a nice, full record of what they’re like. This could help you plan future trips. It can also be wonderful to take a memory trip when a physical trip isn’t possible, or to enjoy an immediate change of seasons, like these spring/summer pictures when it’s snowing.
deb k says
I was thinking this, too, about the sets of note cards with some of your photos on them. I love the snow pictures, icicles hanging off the roof, snow weighing down tree branches, etc., etc., etc. I’ve tried printing out some of my favorites off your site but I don’t do it right, I guess, and they don’t look as good as on your blog. Maybe my printer? Anyway, if you would do sets of your beautiful snow pictures, I would buy oodles and oodles of them. I grew up in the Midwest with real weather and snow and I’m forced to live in a warm place now (husband and husband’s job) and I miss cold, beautiful snowy days so much. Snow equals family and love.
Emily E says
Mavis your photos are definitely canvas/art worthy. If you get them grouped or organized together you should consider doing a photo book on Shutterfly. It’s very easy and also very fun! I’m sure the books you make would definitely be coffee table-worthy. Love the postcard idea as well.
TSST says
Rockport is my hometown! Next summer you should try and go to Thacher Island (where the twin lighthouses are) and explore. It’s run by volunteers and is a great boat ride and then fun exploring the island and going up in one of the lighthouses. You have to reserve your seat on the boat well in advance (months) but well worth it! Bring a picnic – it’s all nature trails, no shops.
MEM says
I live in Greater Boston and Rockport is one of my FAVORITE destinations! We try to go every year on my birthday in September to get strudel and later, fried clams! I much prefer Cape Ann to Cape Cod. Gorgeous photos, BTW.
Susan says
I live on the North Shore and totally agree that Cape Ann is incredible! Mavis, if you enjoy live music the Shalin Lui Performance Center on Main Street in Rockport is amazing. The entrance looks like a main street shop front, but inside is a gorgeous concert hall where the back of the stage is an entire wall of windows overlooking the harbor. You have to see photos (or in person!) to appreciate it:
I was at a concert there right before Christmas and the ticket prices were suprisingly reasonable.
Diane says
I also love your scenic pictures. You really have an “eye” for it. I could totally see you being successful with selections of note cards or pictures placed in your etsy shop. With such a big collection of photos thru the years, it’s an easy bet that you have a collection of themes already to be mined! For example, in today’s blog post, I love the picture of the colored row boats tied up on the dock. If I had that picture, I’d put just the row boats on the front of the card/postcard. I even like that close up of one of your chickens. It is eye catching! “I’ve got my eye on you!” kind of thing. You could make the cards blank, but with your sense of humor I could see you coming up with neat phrases for the insides if you wished.
Love that you are enjoying snow right now. Wish I had some at my house. Have a great week.
Alice says
But you’re missing out on all this rain and damaging wind storms this week………
Lindy says
I like your idea of sending notes out to people this year. I started doing that,oh about two years ago, first to the older people in my life, and then the odd “thinking of you” card to far away friends, and then of course thank you cards too.
I keep an eye out for boxes of eye catching note cards that are on sale. People really enjoy getting them, and I enjoy sending them more than when I started. My handwriting has improved a bit too which is a bonus.
Sue says
I totally agree that you are living your dream. I love the photos idea to make note cards. I love painting boats, one of my art challenge and I got it perfected.
My son, dil, and two grands spent 2 weeks in New England year before last touring there.
Sherry says
You could also make some calendars for next year as gifts for friends. Those are beautiful photos!!
Susan says
Love your photos…where did you get the strudel in Rockport? The link doesn’t say where it can be found in Rockport.
Also you may want to check out Harrisville, NH. oh so quaint. home of Harrisville Designs.
MEM says
Susan – its Helmut’s Strudel, Bearskin Neck,
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes! Thanks MEM. They have a few tables inside and serve coffee and tea as well at the Bearskin Neck location. Good food and cozy shops, my favorite.
Shelia King says
Thanks for sharing your photos! Its like taking a little vacation with you!