Back at the old house {the beautiful red colonial with the ginormous yard {and black flies and ticks galore}} I had asked the HH if he would make me a bird house for the backyard. I had found a picture of online? at a shop? I don’t remember… all I knew was that I wanted him to make a birdhouse exactly like the one I had found.
So after grumbling for a bit… he made one!
I totally forgot to measure everything to share a proper tutorial with you, but here are all the bits he cut out for the project {so you can nag your husband to make one for you too}.
He had actually made the birdhouse for the last house we lived it as sort of a mini version of the old red cape style house we had. But for some reason or another, I never got around to painting the house red to match ours.
And when we moved to Maine, instead of leaving it behind, I brought it along. And I’m so glad I did because I finally got around to painting that bird house yesterday and what do you know…
It’s looks PERFECT in it’s new spot. A white house, with a white picket fence and a sweet little bird house high up on a pole. Now all it needs is a little vine wreath in the gable and some vines growing up the pole. And maybe some tall sunflowers behind it as well.
The backyard, it’s starting to come along and I couldn’t be happier.
Wishing you the best of Wednesdays,
Kim says
That bird house is as cute as a button!!!!! Well done!
emma says
Love, love the bird house. so cute!!
Jenn says
It’s so cute! I don’t know much about birds/birdhouses—but what kind of birds will it house? Do you usually need multiple holes for entry? How do you clean it out?
Barbara from Oregon says
That birdhouse is perfect for your yard!
Mel says
Pretty! I wish we could have our birdhouses match out house, but our house has an odd design that doesn’t really lend itself to that.
One thing: does the house open somehow? If not, you might want to see if you can add hinges to the roof so that you can clean out the box once a year. If it’s just decoration, that’s less of a concern, but since the holes are open, you might still get wasps or something nesting in there that you’d like to be able to remove.
Mary3M says
Is the HH going to add ‘birdhouses’ to your Etsy shop? I’ll be first in line!! Looks fabulous. And yes you do need to be able to clean it out. Birdhouses might just feed into your creativity with painting.
Dianne says
Mavis, your back yard is looking very nice! I know it took a lot of work!
Linda Practical Parsimony says
Pam says
Is it divided inside to three houses or just one?
Mable says
Has it occurred to you that a) the birds will be pooping all over the plants below and b) seeds that spill out onto the garden will sprout and have to be picked out like weeds? Ask me how I know… Nice looking house, though.
donna R says
No, the birdhouse needs a bird couple..birds help with the bugs..looking forward to see which species takes up housekeeping.