Have you started your seeds yet for this year’s garden? I planted a few petunia, leeks, onion and artichoke seeds a few weeks ago.
Yesterday I started thinning seedlings. Well, the petunia seedlings anyway, I’ll wait to thin the leek and onion seedlings until it’s time to get them in the ground.
I love this time of year. It’s so hopeful! The snow is gone and little bits of green are popping up everywhere. I may not have my side garden figured out yet and it’s still a little too soggy to get out there to start digging things up, but we’re getting close. So close!
I still have about 3 weeks to go before I can start my tomato seeds {April 15th is my target date} and the local nursery isn’t open yet… But it’s nearly time to pack all the winter projects away.
And that feels SO GOOD!
The peas are up next.
The past few years I’ve started my pea seeds in containers so the birds don’t get them. I think I’ll do the same this year.
I didn’t get to plant any vegetables last summer {well, besides a single tomato plant on the back porch} so I’m trying to use up the old seeds before I buy any new packets.
I’m down to 1 packet of sugar snap peas and 8 packets of shelling peas. I don’t think I’ll have room for all those shelling peas though so maybe I’ll set the extras out front and see if I get any takers. We’ll see.
Outside, among all the tulip and daffodil bulbs the perennials are slowly starting to show themselves. I think this is the yarrow.
Ornamental onions.
And last but not least, the Autumn Sedum Joy plants. We planted a ton of perennials in the bed out front last year and I’m hoping they all survived the winter.
I’m still waiting to see new growth on the coneflower, hydrangea and hibiscus plants, but so far so good. It’s looking like everything made it so far.
How did YOUR garden do over the winter? Has spring sprung at YOUR place yet? Are you ready to get out there and start working in the garden again?
I know I am! 🙂
Ranae says
Where do you like to order your garden seed from?
Mavis Butterfield says
Baker Creek seeds and Botanical Interests are where I usually order from. 🙂
Donna says
Here in central Indiana we are in the final seesaw days – today in the 70’s and tomorrow 49. I started my broccoli, Brussel sprouts and Chives a few weeks ago. Tomatoes and peppers are up and loving the grow lights. Having lived all my long life in New E.ngland, I am enjoying the last frost date of April 15! I hate the job of thinning. Always feel like a murderer. Really looking forward to getting into the garden.
Happy Spring everyone.
Michele Cheney says
I’ve started artichoke seeds- in Southern Maine. This is my first effort. Fingers crossed. Do you have any tips?
Mavis Butterfield says
You’ll do great Michele! Artichokes are really easy to grow. Here’s a post I wrote about them a while ago. 🙂 https://www.onehundreddollarsamonth.com/how-to-grow-artichokes-start-to-finish/
JulieP says
I’ve started some tomato seeds from some Spanish tomatoes that were delicious not sure how they’ll turn out. I cut up an 8litre water bottle added compost and the seeds they are on the dashboard of the RV I’m in no rush to get home but will be good to get the garden sorted albeit a little late when we do 🙂