But I have exciting plans for the rest…
Real Food…
Can You Believe It?
I think I paid around $5 for the chicken and fruit
The Girl and I were up at my neighbor Girly Girls house for bartered haircuts (I traded her 5 boxes of fruit snacks) and she had a bunch food she didn’t want from Christmas gift baskets people had given her & Chino…
She told me to take it home…
So I did.
(Although I did bring her 5 bags of FREE almonds later in exchange…
I wouldn’t want you to think I’d just TAKE the food)
After laying it out on the counter to take a picture (for you) I left the room for a nano second… When I had returned… The Girl Who Thinks She’s a Bird had separated the loot into groups…
I asked her to explain herself…
According to The Girl…
This is the “Touch and Die” group…
The “Blech” group…
The “I’m not sure about these” group…
And… “These look nice… can I have these?”
I found it interesting the “Touch & Die” grouping had dried fruit, 2 pieces of chocolate, and cheese (gross) crackers in it… Personally I would have gone for the chocolate covered mint cookies…
I think I scored some great deals this week…
I spent $19.63 and ended the week with $3.44 left over…
I was able to feed Mr. Piggy… and I was also able to fill up 2 bags for the food bank.
The hardest part for me was not spending every penny of my $23.07 grocery budget… There were a few more things I wanted to pick up but I also had to keep in mind that The Handsome Husband is going to want to eat out at some point and I don’t want the experience to be stressfull or to break the budget… so I have to plan accordingly for that too.
Next week is going to be a difficult one…
We have a big party planned and I think it will be interesting to see how sticking to my cash only grocery allowance pans out… I do like a good challenge… but I may just have to get little creative đŸ™‚ We’ll see.
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