I offered to take The Girl Who Thinks She’s A Bird and her friend the mathematician to the Renaissance Fair on Sunday. Let’s just say I won’t be doing that again anytime soon. Having never been to a Renaissance Fair I didn’t know what to expect… and to be totally honest… I didn’t even have time to think about it or what it would entail… So when we (The Girl) drove (because I was clipping coupons in the back seat of the car) into the parking lot/cow pasture and it was filled with tents and old rusty campers circa 1970… I was a little freaked out.
#1 I am not a camper. #2 I’ve been told I’m a VERY action oriented person… And so wandering around having to look at Medieval crap for an hour in a cow pasture and avoiding the concession stands like the plague…
Is not something that will make it to my top 100 things I want to do again list anytime soon. Call me a snob… call me a clean freak… call what ever you want… just don’t call me and invite me to a renaissance fair.
Aside from the fact I don’t think I’d fare well in Medieval Times (no coupons, running water, soap) I did pick up milk and OJ @ Fred Meyer for $3.75 last Wednesday.
I also managed to score a sweet deal on some frozen food at Safeway!
$1.47 for everything above. I heart e coupons! 🙂
Garden fresh green and purple beans from the garden. Yummo!
15 zucchini and our first small basket of tomatoes. We also harvested another basket of beans and a few raspberries but we forgot to take a picture. 🙁
On Thursday I went in to place my order for this weeks round of double coupons at Albertsons and decided to see if the extra $2 Hamburger Helper cat was printing. I’m glad I checked ahead of time! I typically have all my transactions planned out and ready to go before I walk into the store on double coupon days. I needed to figure out how to make the best use of my catalinas so I could roll them into the next transaction. I paid $8.00 oop and got back $7 in catalina coupons and the $7 in catalina coupons were the perfect starting point for my double coupon shopping.
50 boxes of Hamburger Helper, 32 cans Progresso Soup, 8 Dryers ice cream, 6 V-8 Tea, 5 loaves of bread, 4 boxes Cheerios, 4 boxes Cocoa Puffs, 2 Sara Lee Pound Cakes, 2 Jamba Juice Smoothies, 2 Apple Juice, 3 packages tortillas, 2 Starkist tuna, 2 Tree Top juice boxes, 2 bananas and 1 Activia Greek yogurt. I had 16 transactions and the key to this shopping trip was rolling my catalinas. I was especially excited about this weeks Hamburger Helper money maker. It appears I’m baaaaack! 🙂
Albertsons Double Coupon Shopping $10.08. Holy Cow Batman!
Total spent this week: $24.30
Total spent year to date: $896.58
How about you? What was your best deal at the market this week?
Becky says
This is so funny. My parents took my siblings and I to a Renaissance fair years ago (I think we were teenagers). We were less than impressed, and all the food we ate was so bad…I think we actually grabbed fast food on our way home:)
Gwen says
You are crazy awesome Mavis! It is not easy to do what you do and you inspire me to do better at my shopping trips every week.
You can call me Jane says
You are such a hoot. Nice job on the deals this week. I’m taking the summer off (since I have produce to preserve), so no good deals for me…oh, wait! I did score a great box of freebies from Nature Baby Care diapers. They’re revamping their rewards program, so I cashed in my points and got a box of cool stuff- an organic cotton tote bag, wipes, various eco-friendly baby products, etc. Yippeee!!
Heather S says
I was missing your posts so I’m glad to see you’re back! What a great week! I know you’ll make it, but even if you don’t, you’re a great inspiration week to week. Way to go!!!
p.s. I’ve never seen purple green beans – how were they? They look cool 🙂
Michelle says
Lovin’ the concession stand right by the blue port o potties. Nice…
We used to go to the Renaissance Faire years ago..it was held in a shady, rolling hill area that was actually nice. It was set up quite authentically… They had amazing artichokes and gigantic roasted turkey legs…you had to eat them somewhat barbarically…which was quite hysterical after a few beers. 🙂
Lynn says
I miss your posts! I check everyday to read your blog but haven’t seen a new one for quite some time. Hope you are doing well?!