I was originally going to share some garden photos with you today, but with Easter this weekend, and the fact that I spent 6 hours in the kitchen yesterday working my way though the 40 pound box of pears we picked up the other day, instead, I’ve decided to share this recipe for the almond pear tart I made yesterday instead.
Why? Because it was so freakin’ awesome, the HH and I have already eaten half of it.
And if you are looking for something a little on the wowie zowie side to impress your guests, well now, this recipe will leave them thinking you spent hours preparing it. When really, the whole dessert only takes a few minutes to throw together before popping in the oven.
Also, this almond cream pear tart has fruit in it, which means it totally counts as a breakfast food. So you know, you won’t feel guilty the next morning when you rush to the refrigerator and cut yourself a big slice to enjoy with your cup of tea.
This delicious recipe comes from my friend JJ. Who got the recipe from her cousin Zoë. Who majorly adapted the recipe from somewhere else. Which is sort of funny if you ask me.
But this almond cream pear tart, the recipe below, has been tested by the three of us now, and let me tell you Bob, it’s perfect.
You need this recipe in your life. If not to use with pears, well, then to use with apples, or peaches or plums. It’s spot on. And if I could share a slice of it with you through the computer, I totally would. But I can’t so these pictures and the recipe below will have to do.
I hope you make this!!!

Almond Cream Pear Tart
Ingredients for the crust:
3 tablespoons butter
7 tablespoons {or ½ cup minus 1 tablespoon} sugar
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup finely ground almonds
1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt
Ingredients for the filling:
8 ounces cream cheese
3 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
3 pears, cored, peeled, and sliced {I used Bartlett pears and didn’t peel mine}
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Directions for the crust:
Cream together the butter and sugar. Mix in the flour, ground almonds, and salt. Press the crumbs into the bottom of a 10-inch spring-form pan.
Directions for the filling:
Beat together the cream cheese and sugar. Add the egg and almond extract and beat until smooth. Pour the filling over the crust.
Arrange the pear slices on top of the filling and sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon over the pears.
Bake the tart at 425 degrees for 10 minutes.
Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and continue baking for anther 15-20 minutes. Cool the tart to room temperature before serving.
Cover and refrigerate the leftovers.
Katelyn says
I did a semester in France when I was in college and my French mom (who had 5 of her own kids and one clueless 20 year old American girl in her care and somehow made everything seem effortless) made a tart like this with plums after lunch one day. It remains one of the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten. Thanks for the memory!
Lisa Millar says
I have HEAPS of apples right now… it looks pretty amazing so I reckon I might have to give it a go!!
Thanks for the recipe!
Enjoy the rest after all that time in the kitchen!! Long kitchen days I find exhausting for some reason!
Holley says
Thank goodness I have all the ingredients! You made a great decision when you shared this today! Thanks!
Vivian says
Luscious! Can you make this Pinable? Thanks?
Mavis Butterfield says
Here is the link: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/202450945736088639/
There is also a red Pinterest tab to the left of your screen you can use or you can always hover over the image and a Pinterest tab will come up.
Randini says
this is going on my Easter buffet!
Tara Salladay says
This looks amazing! Do you think you could use almond flour for the crust rather than all-purpose with ground almonds?
Wendy says
I have made this recipe 3 times over the last two weeks. So it is a big hit with the family. Had saved it to try for all those years!. It is really lovely. What a waste I did not make is sooner. Good for you to spread the word
Lisa Millar says
I actually got around to making this today – and it really is amazing. I had apples not pears which is no problem. I also lacked anything almond so I put desiccated coconut in the base instead and vanilla essence in the filling.
Scoop of ice cream on top and we have a pretty wonderful dessert!
Thanks again for posting this Mavis. Yum
Gee says
We just had our Easter dessert, and yep, this is yummy! I did it with apples instead of pears, and had to send HH to get some cream cheese, but I had everything else. I ground some almonds in the blender, but this really is an easy recipe.
And yummy. Did I mention yummy?
Thanks for sharing, Mavis.
Marcia says
So…I got pears in my produce box this week and made this for our neighborhood potluck. It was a big hit! Someone suggested I was trying to show them up. Ha! I made it gluten free too, and it was super easy. I finally used my springform pan, that I’ve owned for over 10 years. Husband always trying to make me get rid of it.
Rita says
This looks so good and easy. Curious to know if you use a food processor (what kind) to get such uniform perfect slices. I’ve noticed it on your picky bits platters too. Looks so professional!
Mavis Butterfield says
No food processor, but the HH is really good at slicing things super thin for me.
Rita says
OMG you are one lucky girl!!
I need to get a good sharp knife or a food processor.
Margaret Janulis says
Made the pear tart for a fall get together at the neighbors and it was fantastic!! Looked like the picture. Will definitely keep the recipe!! Thanks for sharing!